Select Publications
Kun, E., Javan, E. M., Smith, O., Gulamali, F., de la Fuente, J., Flynn, B. I., Vajrala, K., Trutner, Z., Jayakumar, P., Tucker-Drob, E. M., Sohail, M., Singh, T.*, & Narasimhan, V. M.* (2023). The genetic architecture and evolution of the human skeletal form. Science, 381(6655), eadf8009.
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Singh, T., Poterba, T., Curtis, D., ..., SCHEMA consortium, ..., Neale B. M., and Daly M. J. (2022). Rare coding variants in ten genes confer substantial risk for schizophrenia. Nature (2022) Apr;604(7906):509-516.
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Singh, T., Walters, J. T. R., Johnstone, M., Curtis, D., Suvisaari, J., Torniainen, M., Rees, E., ..., INTERVAL Study, UK10K Consortium, Palotie, A., Sullivan, P. F., O’Donovan, M. C., Owen M. J., Barrett, J. C. (2017). The contribution of rare variants to risk of schizophrenia in individuals with and without intellectual disability. Nature Genetics, 49:11671173.
Singh, T., Kurki, M. I., Curtis, D., Purcell, S. M., Crooks, L., McRae, J., Suvisaari, J., Chheda, H., ..., Swedish Schizophrenia Study, INTERVAL Study, DDD Study, UK10K Consortium, Sullivan, P. F., Hurles, M. E., O’Donovan, M. C., Palotie, A., Owen, M. J., Barrett, J. C. (2016). Rare loss- of-function variants in SETD1A are associated with schizophrenia and developmental disorders. Nature Neuroscience, 19:571-577.
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Other Publications
Urpa, L., Kurki, M. I., Rahikkala, E., Hämäläinen, E., Salomaa, V., Suvisaari, J., Keski-Filppula, R., Rauhala, M., Korpi-Heikkilä, S., Komulainen-Ebrahim, J., Helander, H., Vieira, P., Uusimaa, J., Moilanen, J. S., Körkkö, J., Singh, T., Kuismin, O., Pietiläinen, O., Palotie, A., & Daly, M. J. (2024). Evidence for the additivity of rare and common variant burden throughout the spectrum of intellectual disability. European Journal of Human Genetics, 1–8.
Zhou, T., Ho, Y.-Y., Lee, R. X., Fath, A. B., He, K., Scott, J., Bajwa, N., Hartley, N. D., Wilde, J., Gao, X., Li, C., Hong, E., Nassar, M. R., Wimmer, R. D., Singh, T., Halassa, M. M., & Feng, G. (2024). Enhancement of mediodorsal thalamus rescues aberrant belief dynamics in a mouse model with schizophrenia-associated mutation. In bioRxiv (p. 2024.01. 08.574745).
Flynn, B. I., Javan, E. M., Lin, E., Trutner, Z., Koenig, K., Anighoro, K. O., Kun, E., Gupta, A., Singh, T., Jayakumar, P., & Narasimhan, V. M. (2023). Deep learning based phenotyping of medical images improves power for gene discovery of complex disease. Npj Digital Medicine, 6(1), 1–12.
Chen, C.-Y., Tian, R., Ge, T., Lam, M., Sanchez-Andrade, G., Singh, T., Urpa, L., Liu, J. Z., Sanderson, M., Rowley, C., Ironfield, H., Fang, T., Biogen Biobank Team, SUPER-Finland study, Northern Finland Intellectual Disability study, Daly, M., Palotie, A., Tsai, E. A., Huang, H., … Runz, H. (2023). The impact of rare protein coding genetic variation on adult cognitive function. Nature Genetics, 55(6), 927–938.
Hsu, Y.-H. H., Pintacuda, G., Liu, R., Nacu, E., Kim, A., Tsafou, K., Petrossian, N., Crotty, W., Suh, J. M., Riseman, J., Martin, J. M., Biagini, J. C., Mena, D., Ching, J. K. T., Malolepsza, E., Li, T., Singh, T., Ge, T., Egri, S. B., … Lage, K. (2023). Using brain cell-type-specific protein interactomes to interpret neurodevelopmental genetic signals in schizophrenia. iScience, 106701, 106701.
Liu, D., Meyer, D., Fennessy, B., Feng, C., Cheng, E., Johnson, J. S., Park, Y. J., Rieder, M.-K., Ascolillo, S., de Pins, A., Dobbyn, A., Lebovitch, D., Moya, E., Nguyen, T.-H., Wilkins, L., Hassan, A., … Singh, T. … Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Phase 3 Targeted Sequencing of Schizophrenia Study Team, Burdick, K. E., Buxbaum, J. D., Charney, A. W. (2023). Schizophrenia risk conferred by rare protein-truncating variants is conserved across diverse human populations. Nature Genetics, 55(3), 369–376.
Flynn, B. I., Javan, E. M., Lin, E., Trutner, Z., Koenig, K., Anighoro, K. O., Kun, E., Gupta, A., Singh, T., Jayakumar, P., & Narasimhan, V. M. (2023). Deep learning based phenotyping of medical images improves power for gene discovery of complex disease. medRxiv, 2023–2003.
Cohen, B. M., Singh, T., Öngür, D., Konstantin, G. E., & Gardner, M. E. (2022). Clinical phenotypes of five patients with psychotic disorders carrying rare schizophrenia-associated loss-of-function variants. Schizophrenia Research, 250, 100–103.
Nehme, R., Pietiläinen, O., Artomov, M., Tegtmeyer, M., Valakh, V., Lehtonen, L., Bell, C., Singh, T., Trehan, A., Sherwood, J., Manning, D., Peirent, E., Malik, R., Guss, E. J., Hawes, D., Beccard, A., Bara, A. M., Hazelbaker, D. Z., Zuccaro, E., … Eggan, K. (2022). The 22q11.2 region regulates presynaptic gene-products linked to schizophrenia. Nature Communications, 13(1), 3690.
Palmer, D. S., Howrigan, D. P., Chapman, S. B., Adolfsson, R., Bass, N., Blackwood, D., Boks, M. P. M., Chen, C.-Y., Churchhouse, C., Corvin, A. P., Craddock, N., Curtis, D., Di Florio, A., Dickerson, F., Freimer, N. B., Goes, F. S., Jia, X., Jones, I., Jones, L., …, Singh, T., … Neale, B. M. (2022). Exome sequencing in bipolar disorder identifies AKAP11 as a risk gene shared with schizophrenia. Nature Genetics, 54(5), 541–547.
Dejanovic, B., Wu, T., Tsai, M.-C., Graykowski, D., Gandham, V. D., Rose, C. M., Bakalarski, C. E., Ngu, H., Wang, Y., Pandey, S., Rezzonico, M. G., Friedman, B. A., Edmonds, R., De Mazière, A., Rakosi-Schmidt, R., Singh, T., Klumperman, J., Foreman, O., Chang, M. C., … Hanson, J. E. (2022). Complement C1q-dependent excitatory and inhibitory synapse elimination by astrocytes and microglia in Alzheimer’s disease mouse models. Nature Aging, 2(9), 837–850.
Nehme, R., Pietiläinen, O., Artomov, M., Tegtmeyer, M., Valakh, V., Lehtonen, L., Bell, C., Singh, T., Trehan, A., Sherwood, J., Manning, D., Peirent, E., Malik, R., Guss, E. J., Hawes, D., Beccard, A., Bara, A. M., Hazelbaker, D. Z., Zuccaro, E., … Eggan, K. (2022). The 22q11.2 region regulates presynaptic gene-products linked to schizophrenia. Nature Communications, 13(1), 3690.
Howrigan, D., Rose, S. A., Samocha, K. E., ..., Singh, T., ..., McCarroll, S., Tsuang, M., Neale, B. Exome sequencing in schizophrenia-affected parentoffspring trios reveals risk conferred by protein- coding de novo mutations. Nature Neuroscience 23 (2), 185-193 (2020).
Feng, Y.-C. A., Howrigan, D. P., Abbott, L. E., Tashman, K., Cerrato, F., Singh, T., ..., Neale, B. M. Ultra-Rare Genetic Variation in the Epilepsies: A Whole-Exome Sequencing Study of 17,606 Individuals. (2019). Am. J. Hum. Genet. 105, 267282.
Kyle Satterstrom, F., Walters, R. K., Singh, T., ..., Daly, M. J. Autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have a similar burden of rare protein-truncating variants. (2019). Nature Neuroscience 22 (12), 1961-1965.
Gardner, E. J., Prigmore, E., Gallone, G., Danecek, P., Samocha, K. E., Handsaker, J., Gerety, S. S., ..., Singh, T., ,..., FitzPatrick, D. R., Firth, H. V., Hurles, M. E. Contribution of retrotransposition to developmental disorders. (2019). Nature Communications 10 (1), 1-10.
Heyne, H. O., Singh, T., Stamberger, H., Abou Jamra, R., Caglayan, H., ..., Lemke, J. R. (2018). De novo Variants In Neurodevelopmental Disorders With Epilepsy. Nature Genetics, 50, 1048-1053 (2018).
Artomov, M., Stratigos, A. J., Kim, I., ..., Singh, T., Barrett, J. C., Adams, D. J., Jonsson, G., Daly, M. J., Tsao, H. (2017). Rare Variant, Gene-Based Association Study of Hereditary Melanoma Using Whole-Exome Sequencing. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 109 (12): djx083.
McRae, J. F., Clayton, S., Fitzgerald, T. W., Kaplanis, J., Prigmore, E., Rajan, D., Sifrim, A., Aitken, S., Akawi, N., Alvi, M., Ambridge, K., Barrett, D. M., Bayzetinova, T., Jones, P., Jones, W. D., King, D., Krishnappa, N., Mason, L. E., Singh, T., ..., FitzPatrick, D. R., Barrett, J. C., Hurles, M. E. (2017). Prevalence and architecture of de novo mutations in developmental disorders. Nature, 542:433-438.
Sifrim, A., Hitz, M-P., Wilsdon, A., Breckpot, J., Al-Turki, S. H., Thienpont, B., McRae, J., Fitzgerald, T. W., Singh, T., ..., Brook, D. J., and Hurles, M. E. (2016). Distinct genetic archi- tectures for syndromic and nonsyndromic congenital heart defects identified by exome sequencing. Nature Genetics, 9:1060-1065
Mtatiro, S. N., Mgaya, J., Singh, T., Mariki, H., Rooks, H., Soka, D., Mmbando, B., Thein, S. L., Barrett, J. C., Makani, J., Cox, S. E., and Menzel, S. (2015). Genetic association of fetal- hemoglobin levels in individuals with sickle cell disease in Tanzania maps to conserved regulatory elements within the MYB core enhancer. BMC medical genetics, 16(1):4
Singh, T.*, Levine, A. P.*, Smith, P. J., Smith, A. M., Segal, A. W., and Barrett, J. C. (2015). Characterization of expression quantitative trait loci in the human colon. Inflammatory bowel diseases, 21(2):251?6
De Rubeis, S., He, X., Goldberg, A. P., Poultney, C. S., Samocha, K., Cicek, A. E., Kou, Y., Liu, L., Fromer, M., Walker, S., Singh, T., ..., Palotie, A., Schellenberg, G. D., Sklar, P., State, M. W., Sutcliffe, J. S., Walsh, C. A., Scherer, S. W., Zwick, M. E., Barrett, J. C., Cutler, D. J., Roeder, K., Devlin, B., Daly, M. J., and Buxbaum, J. D. (2014). Synaptic, transcriptional and chromatin genes disrupted in autism. Nature, 515(7526):209?15
Mtatiro, S. N.*, Singh, T.*, Rooks, H., Mgaya, J., Mariki, H., Soka, D., Mmbando, B., Msaki, E., Kolder, I., Thein, S. L., Menzel, S., Cox, S. E., Makani, J., and Barrett, J. C. (2014). Genome wide association study of fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia in Tanzania. PloS one, 9(11):e111464
Gao, T., McKenna, B., Li, C., Reichert, M., Nguyen, J., Singh, T., Yang, C., Pannikar, A., Doliba, N., Zhang, T., Stoffers, D. A., Edlund, H., Matschinsky, F., Stein, R., and Stanger, B. Z. (2014). Pdx1 maintains β cell identity and function by repressing an α cell program. Cell metabolism, 19(2):259?71
Gao, T., Zhou, D., Yang, C., Singh, T., Penzo-Mendez, A., Maddipati, R., Tzatsos, A., Bardeesy, N., Avruch, J., and Stanger, B. Z. (2013). Hippo signaling regulates differentiation and maintenance in the exocrine pancreas. Gastroenterology, 144(7):1543?53, 1553.e1